Book: Honey bee pests, predators and diseases

Morse, R. A. (1978). Honey bee pests, predators and diseases. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press.

This book will be helpful for some of the more classic honey bee pests, like skunks and toads. The book has a world-wide focus, so it may be useful for bee keepers in a variety of locations, not just in the US. It has many practical suggestions and gives detailed directions on how to do much of the work yourself (i.e.: fence building). If someone is facing an issue related to mites or colony collapse disorder, you should refer to a more current publication.


16 authors from universities and USDA
Photographs and illustrations of the various pests or evidence one should look for in the hive
Chapters include: bacteria; protozoa; fungi; nematodes; moths; flies; ants; wasps & bees; spiders; mites & ticks; frogs/toads; birds; mammals; abnormalities and non-infectious disease; plant poisoning; antibiotic systems in honey, nectar & pollen; control methods.
Extensive references
Index of scientific names
General index
Several appendix
1. Overview of species Apis and it’s various characteristics worldwide.
2. Synonymy of bee disease, description of foul brood
3. United States Federal and State laws related to bee transport and disease as of 1978.
4. Canadian laws relating to transport of bees and bee disease.