Bibliographies: Apicultural Abstracts
International Beekeeping Association. Apicultural abstracts. Gerrards Cross,
Bucks., Eng: International Bee Research Association.
This publication (ISSN: 0003-648X) was last updated in 2005 and will no longer be updated. The IBRA has put much of this information in their other publications: Journal of Apicultural Research and Bee World. While it may not have the most current publications, it will provide a researcher common titles which cover beekeeping topics. The IBRA maintains a website ( which has many other resources as well the ability to request a bee-related search from a staff librarian.
This is the most current resource available. Many of the other printed resources in this category were last updated in the 70’s and 80’s.
Posted in: Bibliographies on Wednesday, March 26, 2008 at at 6:20 PM