Book: The hive and the honey bee

Graham, J.M. (Ed.). (1992). The hive and the honey bee. Hamilton, Illinois: Dadant and Sons.

This comprehensive book gives detailed information about all aspects of bees, beekeeping and honey production. This book is well suited for beekeepers at all levels. While written by experts in the field, this text is readable even for a beginning bee keeper. Each chapter has extensive references, photographs, graphs and diagrams.

Chapters include: The worlds beekeeping: past and present; honey bees of the world; the honey bee colony: life history; the anatomy of the honey bee; the physiology and social physiology of the honey bee; honey bee nutrition; honey bee genetics and breeding; activities and behavior of honey bees; honey bee pheromones; the production of nectar and pollen; bee forage of North America and the potential for planting for bees; bee keeping equipment; for the beginner; management for honey production; honey and wax: a consideration of production, processing and packaging techniques; the production of comb and bulk comb honey; business practices and profitability; surplus honey and the small beekeeper; marketing the crop of a commercial bee keeper; wintering productive hives; honey; other products of the hive; production of queens and package bees; crop pollination; diseases and pests of honey bees; injury to honey bees by poisoning; allergy to venomous insects.

Features include
Diagrams and graphs
Author index